Chicago Garbage Schedule • Recycling program, trash & Prices

Chicago Garbage Schedule • Recycling program, trash & Prices

We know that garbage collection and recycling are important services because they help keep the environment clean, preventing the spread of disease and the accumulation of waste. In addition, recycling helps reduce the amount of waste going to landfills and promotes the reuse of materials, decreasing the demand for natural resources.

Waste collection and recycling services can also benefit the economy, as they can create jobs and generate income through the sale of recyclable materials. Therefore, proper waste management in the city of Chicago is crucial to maintaining a healthier and more sustainable society and city.

Find out now about the Chicago trash & recycle pickup schedule for 2023

On the platform, you can find out everything you need to know about the schedule managed by the government of the City of Chicago for waste collection. The page has quick and accessible informational sections in the departmental sections, to access this schedule you must do the following.

  • Go to the menu section and under "Government" you will find "Streets and Sanitation" in the list of departments. Click here:


  • Now click on the "Sanitation" option.


  • You will be redirected to another website where you should click on "Garbage" for more information on collection options and recycling schedules.


  • If you are looking for the recycling collection process, you should click on "Recycle by City Chicago." There you will also see the garbage collection schedule.


  • After selecting the option, you will be redirected to the "Recycle by City" web page. There you must select "Get your pickup schedule".


  • Now you will have a box where you must enter your address to get results about the schedule.


  • Once you enter your details, you will get a schedule for the current month where you will see the garbage and recycling pickup days. You will even see the days when electronic recycling is picked up, which is different from regular recycling pickup.
Recycling Article  Mobile Trash Pickup • Step by step to have the collection calendar


How much does garbage and recycling collection and service cost in Chicago?

Residences that receive garbage collection services from the Department of Streets and Sanitation are charged a monthly fee of $9.50, per dwelling unit. The purpose of this fee is to fund part of the costs associated with weekly garbage collection at these residences.

It is important to note that, in Chicago, garbage collection is provided by the Department of Streets and Sanitation. That is, it is funded through the garbage fee paid by the housing units.

Half of the residences, which are buildings with five or more dwelling units, pay for garbage collection services provided by private providers. On the other hand, the other 50% of residences, which are buildings with four dwelling units or less, receive garbage collection services provided by the city. And all of this is equally covered by the monthly garbage fee.

What types of waste are collected by garbage collection services?

It is important to note that Chicago has a "door-to-door" garbage collection policy that requires waste to be placed in specific containers provided to residents. In addition, some types of unacceptable waste, such as chemicals and electronics, cannot be included in regular trash collection and must be properly disposed of at specific designated locations.

Garbage collection services in Chicago collect a wide variety of solid wastes, such as:

  • Organic waste
  • Yard waste and debris
  • Paper
  • Cardboard pieces or units
  • Glass materials or scraps
  • Plastic pieces or objects
  • Metal parts

What are the materials not accepted by these services?

There are several types of unacceptable wastes that are not collected by garbage collection services in Chicago and must be disposed of properly at designated sites.

  • Chemicals (such as paints, solvents, and medications)
  • Electronic materials (such as computers, televisions and mobile devices)
  • Construction debris (such as lumber, bricks, and demolition debris)
  • Liquid wastes (such as motor oil and toxic chemicals)
  • Electronics (such as computers, televisions and mobile devices)
  • Biological waste (such as infectious materials, medical and food waste)

Private companies providing waste collection services in Chicago

Private junk removal companies offer a wide range of waste management services, including the disposal of waste, bulky items and hazardous materials. The process of selecting a private garbage collection company is important to ensure that specific waste disposal requirements are met and to minimize the environmental impact on the community:

What are the days outside of the garbage collection schedule?

In the City of Chicago, garbage and recycling collection services work hard and according to the schedules presented to residents. However, services also stop working on certain dates, whether they are holidays, national events, birthdays, or heritage customs. Below, you will see how the collection schedule varies on holidays:

New Year No trash pickup
Martin Luther King Jr. DayNo trash pickup
Presidents' DayNo trash pickup
Memorial DayNo trash pickup
Independence DayNo trash pickup
Labor DayNo trash pickup
Veterans DayNormal garbage collection
Thanksgiving DayNo trash pickup
Christmas DayNo trash pickup
Pulaski DayNo trash pickup
Juneteenth DayNo trash collection
Columbus No trash collection

It is important to check with the Chicago Department of Waste and Recycling Services for the most up-to-date information on garbage and recycling collection schedules.

What means of garbage collection services advice are there?

To learn about the means of customer service for junk removal services in Chicago, it is best to contact your chosen junk removal company directly through their website or customer service phone number.

These companies are committed to providing quality service, so they are accessible to resolve questions, listen to feedback, and investigate any issues that arise during the trash pickup process.

  • Telephone: When you need a solution or an immediate and timely response to your waste collection service issues, the best thing to do is to call. The government and the public administration have set up a customer service line whose subscriber is 312-744-5000.
  • Email: Now, if you need another means of contact to communicate with the support and customer service department you can send them a contact request. They will be able to contact you at the email address you provide.
  • Social networks: This company knows that the best way to keep citizens informed about recycling and sanitation events and programs is through social networks. With that in mind, through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube you can have access to updated and verified information.

What are the usual garbage and recycling collection hours?

In reality, pick-up times vary according to category. For example, electronic recycling collection days are between 9 AM and 1 PM. On the other hand, if it is garbage and recycling collection, it is between 7 AM and 10 AM, but it all depends on the day and the situations that arise.

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